Sunday, January 15, 2006

Tricks with the internet

The internet is great. I'm doing my usual Sunday trawl through various other people's music blogs, and I came across this one guy's site that consists entirely of various archival movies and numerous home recordings of the sounds of all different kinds of air raid sirens.

Also, in (un)related news, there's this blog I check in on once a week or so called Sucka Pants, which occasionally has interesting music but mostly has kinda repulsive and kinda fascinating photographs of the scummier (and therefore actually interesting) side of hipster Williamsburg nightlife, the kinds of parties that nobody you know actually goes to, Marxist BBQs, amateur lesbian Jell-o wrestling benefits for squatters' rights, that sort of thing. Also she's really hot.

Anyway, just a few days ago, on one of her hip 'to do' events lists, she posted a thing about a Professor Murder show, and I was like, Professor Murder? I know those dudes. They're guys I used to work with--or just Andy & Tony, rather--and occasionally grab a beer with, and unlike most folks I've fallen out of contact with I actually still think they were pretty cool cats. Whatever happened to you, O Andy & Tony?


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