Tuesday, March 07, 2006

His Excellency, Sir Sidney Poitier

Today's heaped serving of whaaaaa? comes from this recent post of the very strange but occasionally awesome Bent Records Blog. It's an entire record of Sidney Poitier reading Plato over a cool hipster jazz band! Not kidding here! Who wouldn't want that? I don't have much info on it, other than that it was originally put out on Warner... in the late 1960s (?)

Also, once, Mordicai, Kromelizard, Dantelong, Tough Lad and yours truly wrote a whole novel together in which Sidney Poitier was a major character. So we're all kinds of fascinated by him now.

Sidney Poitier - Poitier Meets Plato

btw, the files are zipped in the WinRAR format (which all the kids seem to be using nowadays), so if you don't have it already, you should go download WinRAR.


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