Sunday, September 10, 2006



J.R.R. Tolkien puts pen to paper and starts writing his first embryonic works about Middle Earth.

Zimmerman Telegram discovered. U.S. public thinks it's faked. A couple weeks later when everyone figures out it's for real, war is declared on Germany.

Puerto Ricans granted U.S. citizenship.

Pulitzer prize awarded for the first time. None of the books are still in print.

Balfour Declaration: Britain declares its support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

Finland declares its independence from Russia.

First jazz recording (posted below).

born: Ernest Borgnine, Anthony Burgess, Ella Fitzgerald, JFK, Dean Martin, Lash La Rue

died: Auguste Rodin

The Original Dixieland Jass Band - Livery Stable Blues

Erik Satie - Suite au Prelude du Rideau Rouge

Arnold Schoenberg - Verklaerte Nacht


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